“Leather’s work”: social sustainability and the supply chain project

10 March 2021

YKK Editorial Staff

The synergy between YKK Italia, Assopellettieri, Mipel and UNIC is getting stronger and stronger. At MIPEL in February 2019 the “LeaTher’S Work” project will be presented to the public, promoted by Assopellettieri in collaboration with the leather workshop of the “Il Girasole” Social Cooperative in Florence, which, with the aim of supporting those in difficulty, favors the teaching of a job and social integration.

In a new format that aims to enhance social sustainability, MIPEL becomes the leader of a project that has allowed the cooperative to buy a specific machine and to extend the opening hours of the educational-training-professional laboratory in the leather goods sector in favor of people with disabilities, psychiatric or psychosocial discomfort.

The project, made possible thanks to the collaboration of UNIC-Concerie Italiane and YKK ITALIA SpA, involves the creation of 200 leather shoppers and mini-pochettes made with the material supplied by the Associazione Conciaria and by YKK, with a view to re-using the materials raw and enhancement of the individual components of the product.

The project will be told through a video made in Florence with the students of the laboratory and its partners, and will also be visible to MIPEL in a special area set up to give maximum visibility to the social value of the initiative.

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